Now it’s time for the gay little men to go on the air.

    (Germany) Something like this will no longer exist under Adolf Höcke (AfD) in the future, should his right-wing extremist party be given control points of the rule of law and become a right-wing state. Ohoh

    Hopefully, a tolerant, cosmopolitan Europe will continue to exist for a long time to come.

    And many people in some districts in (East) Germany should remember the liberal democracy again and read about 100 years of (East) German history….



      (Gothenburg) The decision to spend the summer in Scandinavia is the right one. In the next few weeks I will travel further north to the next, cooler, climate zone. The territory of Sweden is located in 3 climate zones. The normal temperatures in Gothenburg in May […]
      (Gothenburg) There can’t be too much electricity generation for me at all. Yesterday I completely charged my electric motorcycle, the electric bike and my pocket bike as well as all the power stations. All 4 high-performance batteries in the trailer are completely full again this afternoon. […]
      (Gothenburg) It was clear to me that the sun shines longer in the summer months in Scandinavia. However, I did not expect so many hours of sunshine.
      (Gothenburg) At the entrance to the site there is a prohibition sign for caravans. In many places, also in Germany and Spain, caravans (not motorhomes!) are undesirable. Probably because they are not self-sufficient. And here, mmmh? After checking the translation, I see that the Swedish language […]