Starlink satellite internet from September 2024.

    (Europe) When I am back in my old home for two weeks at the beginning of September 2024, Internet access will be expanded.

    So that there are no problems on the trip to Southeastern Europe, from mid/end of September 2024 for seven months.

    In addition to the existing LTE router and several LTE or 5G smartphones, there will then also be a direct satellite connection. More than 6,100 satellites are currently (as of June 2024) available.

    For many normal campers, this should not be so interesting, because the power consumption is about 70 watts. For comparison: My LTE router only needs a maximum of 12 watts.

    I have 8 x 200 Ah LiFePO4 batteries plus another power station on board. Many campers tend to have between 90 to 180 or 200 Ah capacity.

    The private space company SpaceX has transported 6,101 Starlink satellites into space by April 2024. For this purpose, more than 150 launches have been carried out since 2019.



      (Europe) When I am back in my old home for two weeks at the beginning of September 2024, Internet access will be expanded. So that there are no problems on the trip to Southeastern Europe, from mid/end of September 2024 for seven months. In addition to […]
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