Midsummer in Skansen!

    (Örebro /Stockholm) Midsummer, this year on Friday 21 and Saturday 22 June.


    In Skansen, midsummer lasts for three days with activities from the morning until the bright summer night.

    Midsummer’s Night, Friday, June 21
    Midsummer wreaths
    10.00-15.00, Orsakullen
    Children can get help tying their birch leaf wreaths. Price: 40 SEK per wreath.

    Midsummer Market
    11.00-20.00, Bollnäs Square and Market Street.
    All kinds of goods for sale!

    Erecting the maypole
    11:00–11:30, Tingsvallen
    Experience the festive erection of the decorated maypole!

    Dancing and games
    11.30-12.10, Tingsvallen
    Dance and games for everyone around the maypole, together with Skansens folk dance group and Skansens folk musicians. The program will be presented in Swedish and English.

    The Wise Old Woman
    11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., Kyrkhult Farmhouse
    Stories about the beings and spirits that appear on the summer solstice.

    Dancing and games
    13.30-14.10, Tingsvallen
    Dance and games for everyone around the maypole, together with Skansens folk dance group and Skansens folk musicians. The program will be presented in Swedish and English.

    Midsummer in folklore
    15.00, 16.00, 17.00, Seglora Church.
    Let yourself be enchanted and moved by Frispel in the Seglora Church.

    Dancing and games
    15.00-15.40, Tingsvallen
    Dance and games for everyone around the maypole, together with Skansens folk dance group and Skansens folk musicians. The program will be presented in Swedish and English.

    Music by the lake
    4.15-4.45 p.m.,
    the folk musicians of Motjärn Skansen play in Motjärn

    Midsummer Concert with Lena Willemark
    16.00–16.45, Tingsvallen Stage.
    A blooming musical homage to light and summer!

    Dancing and games
    17.20-18.00, Tingsvallen
    Dance and games for everyone around the maypole, together with Skansens folk dance group and Skansens folk musicians. The program will be presented in Swedish and English.

    Folk dance at midsummer time
    18.30-19.00, Stage Tingsvallen
    The Skansen folk dance group dances to the music of the Skansen folk musicians.

    The Västanvinden Trio invites you to dance
    19.00-21.00, stage at Bollnäs-Platz.
    Swinging folk music to dance to and a trio with its very own sound!

    20.00-24.00, Galejan
    Modern dance when Sandins enters the stage.

    Midsummer’s Day, Saturday, June 22
    Midsummer Market
    11.00-17.00, Bollnäs Square and Market Street.
    All kinds of goods for sale!

    The Wise Old Woman
    11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., Kyrkhult Farmhouse
    Stories about the beings and spirits that appear on the summer solstice.

    Dancing and games
    13.00-13.40, Tingsvallen
    Dance and games for everyone around the maypole, together with Skansens folk dance group and Skansens folk musicians. The program will be presented in Swedish and English.

    Midsummer in folklore
    2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m., Seglora Church.
    Let yourself be enchanted and moved by Frispel in the Seglora Church.

    The Wise Old Woman
    14.00–15.30 hrs, Kyrkult Farmhouse
    Stories about the beings and spirits that appear on the summer solstice.

    Dancing and games
    15.00-15.40, Tingsvallen
    Dance and games for everyone around the maypole, together with Skansens folk dance group and Skansens folk musicians. The program will be presented in Swedish and English.

    Music by the lake
    4.00-4.30 p.m.,
    the folk musicians of Motjärn Skansen play in Motjärn.

    Folk dance at midsummer time
    16.30-17.00, Stage Tingsvallen
    The Skansen folk dance group dances to the music of the Skansen folk musicians.

    The Västanvinden Trio invites you to dance
    18.00–20.00, stage at Bollnäs-Platz.
    Swinging folk music to dance to and a trio with its very own sound!

    19.00-23.00, Galejan
    Modern dance when Sandins takes the stage on Galejan’s dance floor.

    Sunday, June 23
    Midsummer Market
    11.00 a.m.–5.00 p.m., Bollnäs Square and Market Street.
    All kinds of goods for sale on Bollnäs Square and Market Street!

    The Wise Old Woman
    11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., Kyrkhult Farmhouse
    Stories about the beings and spirits that appear on the summer solstice.

    Dancing and games
    13.00-13.40, Tingsvallen
    Dance and games for everyone around the maypole, together with Skansens folk dance group and Skansens folk musicians. The program will be presented in Swedish and English.

    Folk dance performance
    14.00-14.30, Tingsvallen Stage,
    Dance performance with the folk dance group of Skansen.

    Music by the lake
    2.00-2.30 p.m.,
    the folk musicians of Motjärn Skansen play in Motjärn.

    The Wise Old Woman
    14.00-15.00, Kyrkhult Farmhouse
    Stories about the beings and spirits that appear on the summer solstice.



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