In the best weather this morning to the Vattentornet Svampen.

    (Örebro) I ride my e-motorcycle to the important water tower of Örebro.

    Between 1955 and 1958, the “mushroom” grew 58 meters high using concrete casting technology. The hat, the nine-million-liter water reservoir with a diameter of 45.5 meters and weighing 3,200 tons, was poured on the ground and pulled up to the base with the help of hydraulic cylinders.

    The base itself has a diameter of 10.5 meters at ground level and was founded 10 meters below ground in the solid rock. Reinforcements that extend another 20 metres underground further stabilise the structure.




      (Sweden) Actually, I wanted to start on Sunday. But that was an extremely rainy day. So warm afterwards that I didn’t enjoy reorganizing the whole playroom into a van. This morning it went quite well, very diligent. This afternoon again Extreme…. AT THE same time: Heavy […]
      (near Stockholm) From the beginning, I wanted to have either aluminum plates 3mm or plexiglass cut to size about 5 or 6 mm. Um, m² prices beyond 60€ were absolutely not worth it to me. Not even today. Performance (material) and consideration (€) just don’t fit […]
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