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(Örebro) The rest of the pictures of the castle…
(Örebro) Since almost all doors were locked, I had wondered why so little of the lock […]
(Örebro) Pictures from the second of a total of four towers….
(Örebro) More photos of the interior of the castle.
(Örebro) Didn’t make it last week, so I visited the castle today in optimal weather. Arrival […]
(Europe) Of course, I’m not a prepper and I’m not paranoid either. If I were afraid, […]
(Sweden /Germany) After Finland, Sweden and Great Britain have prepared their populations for a possible war […]
(Sweden) A regulation that is about 100 years old was updated by the Swedish parliament in […]
(Sweden) Driving a car or motorbike is very, very relaxed here in Sweden. What I noticed […]
(Örebro) The dogs and masters already have a very good life. After I’ve been outside with […]
==== We are on the landing approach of Lufthansa flight L4711 from Frankfurt to Tehran INTERNATIONAL […]

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