A completely new attitude to life with all the light. > Nasty mosquito plague <

    (Örebro, Sweden) Örebro is located roughly between Gothenburg and Stockholm. At the beginning of summer, at the beginning of June, it is fantastic here. Today already more than 18 hours of daylight or sunshine. Crass.

    And the summer solstice won’t come for over three weeks.

    A paradise , see also the pictures from yesterday evening, but also a paradise for mosquitoes . Uhoh.

    The mosquitoes here, directly on the lake, are evil, or are only doing what they have been doing for over 100,000,000 years.

    The mosquitoes that we are noticing right now are the so-called spring mosquitoes, which breed in forests, meadows and floodplains. Most of these species only produce one generation a year and are therefore so aggressive right now, because everything is currently at stake for them.


    Mosquitoes are one of the most successful species in the evolutionary history of our planet. It has been around for more than 100 million years. They were already looking for their victims in the times of the dinosaurs, but unlike the giants of prehistoric times, they are not extinct.


    Source: https://www.planet-wissen.de/natur/insekten_und_spinnentiere/stechmuecken/muecken-steckbrief-100.html



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