eCars and electricity from public charging points….

    (Germany) In Spain, I was often able to charge my little eSmart for FREE at Lidl or Aldi.

    If it became chargeable….

    At THERE providers I paid for 0.20 to 0.35 euros per KW/h

    Back in Germany, I saw the greed for money, um, the monopolies of local providers.

    I have been thinking for a long time that both the electricity industry and the state resp. of the mineral oil tax in the next few years.

    Only the people who have the opportunity to convert solar energy and generate electricity themselves will be the winners!

    Here in Sweden, for the first time, I have now consistently charged the eSmart ONLY via my buffer electricity storage and solar modules. STRONG.

    Read this morning in DER SPIEGEL…

    However, good and important for the near future:


    The EU has at least launched a regulation that is supposed to bring more clarity. “Price transparency is crucial to ensure smooth and easy charging and refuelling,” says the recently enacted Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (Afir). In the future, electricity prices are to be available centrally and up-to-date at all charging stations in the EU.


    Among other things, Afir stipulates that from 15 April 2025 , all operators of charging stations must make the applicable electricity price, information on whether the electricity comes from renewable energies and other data such as charging power, operational readiness or availability digitally available for all charging points in the EU . There will still be price differences, but there will also be more competition , because users can see them at a glance and possibly even filter charging stations by price in the app. Similar to how combustion engine drivers, for example, have the choice of driving to the more expensive motorway petrol station or leaving the motorway and accepting extra kilometres for a cheaper fuel price.


    Source P-SH



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