A kind message and statement from Niklas from Sweden.

    Translation with Google Translator


    This is my first trip, I’m spending the winter in Spain and Portugal. I will return to Sweden in May. So I’m learning a lot of things.

    All tips and tricks are welcome! What I have always enjoyed is the encounter with free souls and the different backgrounds and postures associated with them.

    And the comfort to me is that we all belong to this planet called Earth, regardless of our religion, skin color, sexual orientation, or cultural background.

    I am a middle-aged, white, male, heterosexual male. That’s why I tried to free myself from previous habits and beliefs that came from the Northern European culture of the 70s.

    My daughter, whom I love more than anything else in this world, recognizes her identity as one of the rainbow people. If this sounds like Narnia, I’m probably a little melodramatic 🤣. I have no idea, but the pain I observed, which she suffered when she discovered herself, made my heart blow.

    Otherwise, it would be strange for me as a parent, but also if I listen to others who have similar experiences, whether because of culture or skin color. Why write this?

    I just wanted to give you an idea of who I am, your neighbor in the camper van from Sweden. I hope the flag (This 🏳️ 🌈 or this🏳️>> preferably both; Note from Mike) hanging on the walls of the Kremlin one day.

    Returning to the topic of meetings, I present to you the duo, the two coqs of Gregorio Beach Camping, who make themselves live in a box! ❤️

    === ORIGINAL

    This is my first trip, staying in spain and portugal over the winter. I will go back to sweden in May. So I am learning a lot of things. All tips and trix are welcome! What I always enjoyed, is the meeting with free souls and the variyng backgrounds and postures that comes with these. And the comfort for me is that we all belong to this planet called the earth, regardless of our religion, skin color, sexual orientation or culturural background. I am a white middleaged hetro male. So I have tried to rid my self of earlier habits and beliefs stemming from the 70ties northeuropean culture. My daughter, which I love more than anything else in this world, recognises her identity as being among those of the rainbowpeople. If this sounds like Narnia, i am probably a little melodramatic about it🤣. I have no idea, but the pain i observed suffered by her in finding her self out, made my hart weap. Would be strange otherwise as a parent, but also when listening to others with similar experiences, whether is culturural or skincolor related. Why write this? I just wanted to give you an idea who I am, your neghbour in the campingcar from sweden. I hope to see the flag hanging on the walls of Kremlin one day. Back to the subject of meetings, i give you the duo, the two coqs of Gregorio beach camping, knocking them selves out to living in a box! ❤️



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