Study: Deportation of Nazis would relieve the state treasury of billions

    I am on the road, but of course it is not only important, but vital for all people in Germany and Europe that 2023/24 will not be a second 1933!

    And that’s why I support this very recent study, so that the result of this can be realized.

    Berlin (dpo) – A new study by the economic research institute IBW is currently causing a stir. It shows that the Federal Republic of Germany could save more than 15 billion euros annually through a consistent deportation policy against Nazis.

    The reason: Right-wing extremists are more likely to be unemployed, more violent and less educated than the population average.

    “From a financial point of view, we recommend that all people with right-wing extremist ideas be deported out of the country as quickly as possible,” said Prof. Friedbert Geiger, one of the authors of the study, at a press conference in Berlin. “And better now than later.”

    Among other things, the study shows that 23.4 percent of all neo-Nazis and right-wing extremists are unemployed. This puts them far above the population average and ultimately parasitically on the German taxpayer’s pocket.

    Reasons for the high unemployment under the Nazis include a low level of schooling, a rudimentary command of the German language, and a lack of character suitability.

    The Nazis, who nevertheless found employment, also had a negative impact on the economy.

    They are taking jobs away from decent Germans.

    Furthermore, the researchers found that Nazis are far more likely to come into conflict with the law than the rest of the population because of acts of violence, arson or incitement to hatred. This places an unnecessary burden on the judiciary and the health system.

    The deportation should be carried out as soon as possible, because the study also sees serious deficits in the case of fascist skinheads, Nazis & Co. as far as integration is concerned.

    According to the survey, 94 percent of right-wing extremists refuse to accept Germany’s free democratic basic order. Instead of a democracy, they want to establish a leader state.

    It is also frightening that Nazis are constantly producing new little bald children because of their mother cult and the strong desire to preserve the white race.

    Since, according to a recent survey by the opinion research institute Opinion Control, the majority of the population does not vote for right-wing extremist parties, a cross-party agreement could soon be reached, according to which neo-Nazis will be successively deported abroad over the next few years – for example to an area in North Africa.




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