Of course, I suspected the heating. Rightly so. The start worked, but the gas pressure monitor seemed to be broken again. It was already replaced a few months ago.

    No throttle, no shifting, no ignition of the burner. Shutdown of the electronics and thus of the start-up process.

    When boiling, the gas flame was so small. Mmh. But gas was there….

    The solution? Just like in electronics. 80% of all errors there are actually banal contact problems. As with many people 😉

    The gas switch between the gas tank and the gas cylinders.

    The toggle was

    a) still on the almost empty (and now finally empty) gas tank

    b) and the throttle switch hooked when switching 😡

    After several attempts and testing of the gas cylinder, the heating went on again 😎

    Kzd: Customer too stupid



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