CNN airs 90-minute commercial for nursing homes for the elderly

    Atlanta (dpo) – This has never happened before in TV history: At prime time on Thursday, the news channel CNN aired a 90-minute continuous advertising program for nursing homes for the elderly. In the spot, two senile old men argue, one of whom is apparently hallucinating, while the other is dying.

    It is not known how much the mega advertising cost – but the price must have been at least in the double-digit million range given the length and broadcasting time.

    The emotional message to the viewers: Find the right time to put your elderly relatives and relatives in need of care in a home where they will be well cared for. Because when it’s too late, they embarrass themselves and you in public by talking racist garbage or forgetting where they are.

    In typical advertising exaggeration, the two actors resorted to a completely exaggerated portrayal of senility.

    The haunting spot seems to have an effect. Immediately after the broadcast, so many interested parties with family members in need of care are said to have contacted US retirement homes that they had to impose a temporary stop on admissions.

    By the way, there is a serious fact check in “DER SPIEGEL” plus :




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