Stray has run away, No GPS tracker available. 😭

    (near Stockholm) We are at the dog park twice a day. It is huge and over 8,000 m² in size.

    The fence is relatively new and with two entrance gates. At the gate we are using, other dogs have already dug underneath. Uhoh.

    And of course it smells so good everywhere. Not only for humans, especially for small dogs.

    Outside the dog park, it smells of dogs, rabbits, deer and many other forest dwellers. Uhoh.

    Suddenly, Streuner was through under the gate and more than 8,000,000 m² are available. 😥

    Since the two dogs are extremely nimble, street or beach dogs, it all went much too fast. Uhoh.

    To make matters worse, the batteries of the GPS TRACKER are empty.



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