Slowly it became clearer and clearer what was meant by “anti-fascist protective wall”

    (Germany) Munich, Hamburg, Berlin (dpo) – After the results of the European elections in the eastern German states, it is gradually becoming clear to more and more people why the Berlin Wall and the GDR border regime were officially called the “Anti-Fascist Protective Wall” by the SED leadership.

    “Oh, that’s what it meant the other way around!” marvels Timo Mateschitz (32) from Bamberg. “I always thought that this was intended as some kind of insult to the West. That we are the fascists here in the capitalist West. In reality, the clever GDR politicians only wanted to protect the West from the fascism of the Ossis.”

    This would be impressively demonstrated by the AfD’s European election results in Thuringia (30.8%), Brandenburg (27.5%), Saxony (31.8%), Saxony-Anhalt (30.5%) and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (28.3%). Almost all constituencies in the east go to the right-wing extremist party, which is secured in parts. Even in East Berlin, the Alternative for Germany does much better than in West Berlin.

    “Thank you, Ulbricht!” says Katharina Berenicke (61) from Kiel. “Thank you for protecting us from fascism for 28 years, which unfortunately now plays an increasingly important role in German politics.”

    Nevertheless, a reconstruction of the anti-fascist protective wall is currently out of the question. The Federal Chancellery says unequivocally in this regard: “No one has the intention of building a wall.”




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