Met a very likeable Swede.

    (Örebro) That’s very interesting. For example, when a prominent person is spoken of on television as a Swiss or French by choice, it sounds friendly and cosmopolitan.


    Cosmopolitanism, also known as cosmopolitanism or cosmopolitanism, is a philosophical-political worldview that considers the whole world to be home. The concept goes back to antiquity. It is in contrast to nationalism and provincialism.
    >>> Wikipedia


    However, when people look a little different, many people, especially those over 60, change their worldview.

    Although this age group should be grateful if in the future, due to demographics, people from outside come to care for them. Ohoh!

    Mustafa grew up in Sweden, went to school in Sweden and lives Swedish life every day.

    Religion, as in France, should be a completely private matter.

    A highly attractive and likeable man. Oops, he’s not blond at all, has no blue eyes and, in the jargon of right-wing parties, is not Aryan either.

    Mustafa was surprised that I basically have a positive attitude towards all nationalities and skin colors.

    We spent a great afternoon and I invited him, extraordinarily, to dinner.



      (Sweden) Actually, I wanted to start on Sunday. But that was an extremely rainy day. So warm afterwards that I didn’t enjoy reorganizing the whole playroom into a van. This morning it went quite well, very diligent. This afternoon again Extreme…. AT THE same time: Heavy […]
      (near Stockholm) From the beginning, I wanted to have either aluminum plates 3mm or plexiglass cut to size about 5 or 6 mm. Um, m² prices beyond 60€ were absolutely not worth it to me. Not even today. Performance (material) and consideration (€) just don’t fit […]
      (Europe) What do you do if the manufacturer or provider discontinues its servers or smart services? That’s right, a pretty stupid face. Especially for long-term assets. MERCEDES CANCELS ALL SMART EQ CONTROL Services. Of course, MB could have installed the small GSM boards (mobile network) in […]
      (Sweden and the World) Katrin wrote an interesting comment last night, which I would like to publish here. Your contribution to GERMAN ANGST makes me think. It’s an interesting experience. I have learned that this assessment also depends very much on perspective. In Chile, I have […]