EU Regulation Charging stations in a nutshell.

    Key targets for 2025 and 2030

    The regulation sets specific recovery targets to be achieved by 2025 or 2030. In particular,

    • by 2025 , fast-charging points for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles with a charging capacity of at least 150 kW will be installed every 60 km along the main transport corridors, the so-called Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T);
    • by 2025, recharging stations for heavy-duty vehicles with a charging capacity of at least 350 kW will be installed every 60 km along the TEN-T core network and every 100 km along the TEN-T comprehensive network, with full network coverage by 2030;
    • by 2030, hydrogen refuelling stations serving both passenger cars and heavy-duty vehicles will be built in all urban nodes and every 200 km along the TEN-T core network;
    • seaports served by a minimum number of large passenger ships or container ships will be able to provide shore-side electricity to those ships by 2030;
    • airports will be able to supply power to stationary aircraft at all gate positions by 2025 and at all apron positions by 2030;
    • users of electric vehicles or hydrogen-powered vehicles can easily pay at charging stations or refuelling stations with payment cards or contactless devices without a subscription and with full price transparency;
    • Operators of charging stations or petrol stations provide consumers with comprehensive information electronically on availability, waiting time or prices at different service stations.




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