Uniform payment for electricity at European charging stations.

    Electric cars have been around since the mid-90s of the last century.

    So about 30 years.

    In thirty years (! ), especially the ruling conservative parties in the EU (EPP) and in the individual countries have not managed to get laws on the way so that the population of the EU, i.e. about 450,000,000 citizens, gets a uniform payment system for e-vehicles.

    Even in the last 10 years, still not.

    Baaaaaaaaald, i.e. within the next 7 (seven) years, it should be ready, after about 1,200 charging station providers in the EU have had about 1,200 apps programmed.

    I can’t even count the apps for charging stations on my smartphone anymore.

    Here is the original text of the Bundesrat in Germany .

    Third Ordinance amending the Charging Stations Ordinance

    A. Problem and Objective

    The Second Ordinance amending the Charging Stations Ordinance, which came into force on 1 January 2022, stipulates that operators of charging stations that are put into operation for the first time from 1 July 2023 must ensure that “at least one contactless payment by presenting a common debit and credit card” must be offered for ad-hoc charging.

    However, as of July 1, 2023, there will be no adequate supply of charging stations available on the market that meets the requirements of the Second Ordinance Amending the LSV regarding a uniform payment system for ad-hoc charging and at the same time can meet the nationwide demand for charging stations.

    This could severely affect the urgently needed development of new charging infrastructure from this point on.

    At the same time, it should be taken into account that the legislative process at EU level for the revision of the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive (AFID) is already well advanced.

    The revision of the AFID is also expected to include new, EU-wide binding requirements for a uniform payment system for ad-hoc charging.

    With the entry into force of the legal act, which will in future be structured as an EU regulation (Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR), it will automatically apply directly throughout the EU.

    B. Solution

    In order not to hinder the urgently needed expansion of the charging infrastructure and to give market participants sufficient time to implement the requirements of the Second Regulation amending the Charging Station Ordinance for a uniform payment system for ad hoc charging, the implementation deadline will be extended to 1 July 2024.

    C. Alternatives

    There are no apparent alternatives that could achieve the objective of the draft to give market participants sufficient time to implement the requirements of the Second Amendment to the LSV in a comparable way.



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