Spain, a GARBAGE country caused mainly by young people and the uneducated.

    (Torre del Mar, Southern Spain) What Hans doesn’t learn, Hänschen never learns. What is it called in Spanish?

    Except for the beach promenades and tourist strongholds, as well as frequently visited tourist attractions. There, the congregation sweeps and cleans daily by employees. And the garbage, mostly thrown by young people, is removed again.

    Otherwise, Spain is a completely littered country. A huge landfill 😡

    It is completely incomprehensible to me that the government and the cities do not take action against it. And it does so according to the polluter pays principle.

    Again and again I see young people who simply throw away their garbage, even from a moving car.

    Spain has the highest youth unemployment rate in the European Union (EU-27) at around 27.9 percent. On average, around 14.5 per cent of young people willing to work in the European Union (EU-27) were unemployed in November 2023.


    The basic income is 538 euros for SINGLES in Spain.

    Why can’t everyone under the age of 30 receive basic income support docommunity service ?

    And remove the rubbish that some of these young people simply threw into the landscape a few years ago as “stupid boys”!

    As a by-product, these people then learn to teach their own children about environmental protection and NON-pollution.

    This morning there were two cars nearby with young people and music. I am good.. Except for the garbage.

    Last night after a volleyball game.



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