Why now two (2!) V-belts are broken.

    The never ending story.

    It’s just incredible. Because of the V-belts and the new alternator, which presumably would not have had to be replaced at all, I am now on my 7th (seventh) visit to the workshop.

    The laughter slowly gets stuck in my throat.

    In one of the next blog entries, I will explain and describe this in detail. Also for the “competent specialist workshops”.

    Possibly also for a legal assessment.

    What had happened? In Germany, instead of simply replacing a worn V-belt, I was sold and installed a completely new alternator.

    This had worked for exactly 5 minutes. After that, the same problem. But I’ll explain that in detail later.

    In the last workshop, here in Spain, a big mistake was made when screwing/assembling, including a new V-belt for the alternator of the starter batteries.

    Statement of today’s technician:

    “The problem is that two pulleys are misaligned. And that washers were not installed during the installation of the new alternator. But they are needed in this configuration.”

    Consequence: BOTH V-belts were so heavily loaded that it smelled like rubber, the engine had too little power for driving and that both V-belts then broke.


    I’m curious to see to what extent the “MAN QUALITY GUARANTEE” is reflected in this workshop visit. Is the customer once again the stupid one?



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