
    After almost 11 months of living in the Lebensmobil, working a little and travelling through Europe with Hundi since October.

    A brief summary on the subject of happiness.

    I’ve learned that I don’t need tons of consumer goods. You don’t need 200 shirts to experience joy.

    Suddenly, you meet people from all over the world and understand a little about their lives and, if asked, their understanding of happiness.

    With such “few” resources, I have experienced more in two months and have met more people and had interesting conversations than in two years in my old home.


    Luck? Yep, I’ve got it. And the nice thing is: I don’t have to have people who don’t like me around me. yes, yes.

    Greetings to some former neighbors. Some who have not yet arrived in modern liberal Europe and still hold the conservative worldview of the 1950s.

    I had also been able to experience your homophobia intensively.

    Thank you for that too…. Because now I live better and freer and the hamster wheel is turned off. yes



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